I am so thankful for the resources and the people of CMI. From the choral database to the high-level workshops to the encouraging phone calls, CMI is a treasure!
— Church Musician, Dallas, TX
Please do not take lightly my words of thanks and praise. The vision for the Church Music Institute and the hours of time and talent have given me, and many others, a great and lasting gift!
— Layperson, Dallas, TX
I've thoroughly enjoyed going to the CMI workshops over the last few years. We have used several choir anthems that were introduced at these workshops. The workshops always seem to appeal to everyone's needs. I have also used the CMI library and has been quite helpful for what we need at our church.
— Church Musician, Forney, TX
I am proud to be a member and supporter of the Church Music Institute both for altruistic and even admittedly selfish reasons. I can think of no other music organization that crosses so many denominational boundaries in providing church musicians with resources of so many kinds.
Of special—and, I confess, selfish—appeal are the two branches (organ and choral) of the Sacred Music Library, both of which reflect eons of careful attention to detail in compiling and curating.
Perhaps most useful of all in these libraries is their extensive cross-referencing and indexing (hymn tune names, texts, and several others). . . Finding these “ties that bind” is made much easier through the use of the CMI libraries. Various church publishing houses offer similar search indexes, but the CMI libraries stand alone in the breadth of their reach beyond each publisher‘s own catalogue.
I am grateful to this generous and noble nonprofit organization and urge all my church music colleagues to join me in giving it the support it deserves.
— Composer and Church Musician, Griffin, CA
The Church Music Institute has been a tremendous help to me over the past four years. Having all my degrees in piano and having had no training in church music, I found myself in the position of organist - choirmaster at an Episcopal Cathedral. The first place I turned to was the Church Music Institute. Their extensive library enabled me to look up anthems with specific voicings and levels of difficulty for the proper liturgical setting needed for that week. They are a resource of remarkable value and I will be forever grateful.
— Church Musician, Fargo, ND
I am a Music Director in a small town in Massachusetts. I signed up for the Church Music Institute after talking with Dr. Kroeker, who has been more than helpful in my search for certain type of church music. I mainly use the choral library database to view the music to see if it is something our choir can handle. Most of the music publishers or sites do not have extensive viewing options before purchase, and cannot get a good sense of the difficulty level of the music. The choral music library is extensive and well managed, but the biggest asset for my membership is the knowledge and willingness to help on the part of the staff.
— Church Musician, Weston, MA
The Church Music Institute is an absolute treasure for serious church musicians. I use the "Sacred Choral Music Library" virtually every week as I plan music for worship services. CMI events are informative, inspiring, and affirming. The "Festival of Church Music" at the Meyerson Symphony Center was truly a "once in a lifetime" event!
— Church Musician, Denton, TX
CMI is invaluable in planning for music in the worship services in my Presbyterian church. We use the lectionary so finding suggestions in the online library for each Sunday throughout each year gives me more time to concentrate on other aspects of my position. It's an amazing resource! Thank you, CMI. You've saved me hours of time!
— Church Musician, Denton, TX
Since 2015, I have found the CMI online library an invaluable resource for worship planning. The suggestions for choral and organ repertoire embrace music from many genres, which is perfect for the diverse needs of our congregation. It is extremely "user friendly" and is updated on a regular basis with new choral and organ works. I recommend it highly!!
— Church Musician, Baltimore, MD
The Senior Pastor of my church does not always preach on the RCL texts. He may do a series on one book of the Bible, or he may choose to preach on a particular subject. . . As Minister of Music, my job is to select music that will tie in with the theme(s) on which he is preaching. Of course denominational resources can provide a great number of suggestions, to get the thought processes started, but they are all based on the lectionary. . . . I’ve found the search engines in the CMI Choral Library to be most helpful in fleshing out titles that work well with his free-form sermon schedule (which he gives me three months at a time). On one occasion, the search engine led me to a title that was not in our library, but upon review of text and music, perfect for the occasion. Unfortunately, it was permanently out of print. CMI staff turned this negative into a positive by providing me a PDF copy of the octavo and we secured permission from the copyright holder to make copies for our choir. I am entering my third year as a member of CMI and I find the CMI libraries to be a valuable research tool, saving me countless hours of research making CMI well worth the annual membership expense.
— Church Musician, Long Beach, CA
The online libraries of the Church Music Institute are a priceless resource for me in my work as a freelance church musician, playing the organ and accompanying or conducting choirs. While I’m usually not charged with selecting choral music, the 40 years I have spent as a church musician have given me the chance to learn dozens and dozens of anthems across all seasons and liturgical or denominational uses. The one thing my scores and octavos do not have is a searchable catalog. CMI’s online choral library has provided for me a non-commercial resource to remind me of the repertoire I know and have in my own library when I need to find something searched by composer, liturgical season, hymn-tune, day of the Church year, theological topic, or scriptural allusion. I use the choral library primarily to seek out alternate harmonies for hymn-tunes, and the organ library to remind me of the hymn-based repertoire I have at my disposal. It’s an enormous searchable database without preference for any particular publisher or denomination, giving me access to titles that I might consider buying if the composer, topic, length, or other details provided make me think I should consider using it. Whether I have located anything to actually play is no measure of the online library’s invaluable usefulness: to have a place to inspire my musical selections for worship without the distraction of a commercial agenda gives me ideas and inspiration to consider pieces I had forgotten about until reminded about them because of something I saw listed at CMI. I’m very thankful for the Church Music Institute!
— Freelance Organist, New York City
Among the numerous and varied tasks I perform as a full-time church musician, planning relevant and timely music for my ensembles is my favorite. How wonderful to have access to such a comprehensive tool as the Church Music Institute’s choral music database. It is the first place I go when planning music for all fifty-two Sundays of the year. Thank you, CMI, for making my job all the way in Omaha, NE, so much easier.
— Church Musician, Omaha, NE
CMI workshops offer me a chance to expand my awareness of beneficial sacred instrumental and choral resources, to share and learn new tips from esteemed colleagues, both near and far, and to hear and meet inspiring masters of sacred arts related to my area of work. Most of all, it preserves time for reflective, serenely beautiful worship. I am grateful to CMI for lifting up the enduring relevance and importance for traditional worship in this world of continually expanding spiritual options.
— Church Musician, Dallas, TX
The Church Music Institute's Database of both choral and organ music has been one of the most helpful tools I've encountered in my job as Organist-Choirmaster at Trinity Cathedral. I use the search for just about everything; psalm settings, anthems on specific texts, anthems that use certain instruments, anthems on a Sunday when I have men only, organ music for a special funeral request, .... I truly use it every day that I'm working and I'm grateful beyond words to have encountered this marvelous wealth of information.
— Church Musician, Little Rock, AR
The Church Music Institute (CMI) is a jewel in the crown of church music. A great number of North Texas churches, of various sizes and denominations, benefit from the good work of CMI. Our congregation is immeasurably richer because of our participation in their annual conferences, hymn festivals, and peer learning projects. Additionally, the Sacred Music Resource Library is “second to none”. This organization’s important mission and programming impacts us in remarkable ways.
— Church Musician, Fort Worth, TX
What a wonderfully exciting experience to hear the combined voices of multiple choirs in the Meyerson [Festival] setting! I am not a choir member or choral director but the power of the music of this event was awe-inspiring and so very moving for all those present, whether trained musicians or not. I look forward with great anticipation to the next concert in 2019!
— Layperson, Dallas, TX
I have worked in church music for forty years. In that time, I have learned that my greatest achievements have been directly related to choosing quality music that works best for my ensemble and relates appropriately to each particular worship service. Fortunately, that aspect of my work has become easier, more enjoyable, and more efficient in recent years. I use a handful of online resources to find, select, and plan music. CMI is at the top of my list because of its continually growing quality library, user-friendly database and its many search fields.
— Church Musician, Morrillton, AR
The Sacred Choral Music Library database at the Church Music Institute is at the top of my go-to list for worship planning. The search categories in the music databases are obviously created by and for working church musicians. I find the results immediately applicable and often inspire me to find connections with text and scripture references I would not have found on my own.
— Church Musician, Kansas City
A busy church musician needs many outside resources to carefully select the best and most appropriate repertoire, inspire choir members with new and creative approaches, and help to lead the congregation in joyful song. Reading workshops that feature the best music selected from various sources, including Public Domain scores, an online library that is easily searchable under text, subject and church year, and Festivals that feature the opportunity to work with some of the finest church musicians in the world are all great opportunities afforded by CMI.