CMI is supported primarily by donors who understand the importance of music to the Christian faith and want to invest in its future. With generous donations from our supporters, CMI is able to equip clergy, musicians and congregants for meaningful worship by providing online and onsite education, festivals, workshops, newsletters and the largest curated library of sacred choral anthems and organ compositions in the world. CMI is incorporated in the state of Texas and has IRS 501(c)(3) non-profit status. All contributions are tax deductible.

The Church Music Institute is the one venue in the United States for pastors/priests and musicians to address the music of worship in an ecumenical, non-commercial setting.

Your generous donations support:
- Development and maintenance of the CMI Sacred Music Library which can be accessed anytime, anywhere, by CMI members.
- Service to CMI members for reference copies of music and assistance in planning.
- Development of educational materials, newsletters, workshops, and webinars addressing current issues in church music.
- Development and offering of graduate courses for seminarians, clergy and musicians.
- Scholarships for students and early career church musicians.
- Festivals and Choral Sings for congregations and choirs to inspire and further their abilities to “Sing to the Lord.”
- Dissemination of CMI materials to partner organizations.
Did you know?
- More “live” music is made in churches than in all other venues in the U.S.
- 98% of churches include singing by the congregation.
- 60% use an organ and 60% have a choir.
- 80% of all choirs in the U.S. are in churches.
- 20-40 minutes out of a 70-minute service include music.
- We remember a text we sing much longer than spoken words we hear.
- Hymn tunes are often folk music, some of the most singable music ever written.
- Hymns contain the accumulated theological wisdom of the centuries of Christians.
Donation methods
- Donate Online Now
- Click Here to Donate through the Communities Foundation: Giving Day Donation
- Use the following form to print and mail: Give to CMI Form. Checks may be sent to: Church Music Institute 5923 Royal Lane Dallas, TX 75230
- Gifts of stock, securities, or real estate to benefit CMI may be given through Texas Presbyterian Foundation, 800-955-3155. For more information, see Texas Presbyterian Foundation and refer to the forms listed below.
Steps for Transferring Publicly Traded Stock