

Nancy L. Graham. The Unfractured Faith of Erik Routley: From Brighton to
Princeton. Lanham, Boulder, New York, London: Lexington Books/Fortress
Academic, 2024. Hardback $100.00, ebook $45.00.

Nancy Graham—a hymnologist, lecturer, and church musician with graduate degrees in England and the United States where her subject also lived and worked—was asked to write this book. She “reluctantly and tentatively agreed,” then sorted through “drawers of memorabilia” and “boxes of tapes and papers” (p. 177). The book is organized as a detailed chronology of events in the life of Erik Routley who was one of the twentieth century’s most important hymnologists. His hymnological work is seen here along with his pastoral and teaching responsibilities as well of his love of detective novels and pipe smoking. The book is a substantial overview of Routley and twentieth century church music from 1917 to 1982 when he lived. Carlton Young wrote the Introduction. At the end there are six appendices, a bibliography, an index, and some brief information about the author. The study helpfully adds to our understanding of Erik Routley and to the twentieth century’s contributions to the hymnic heritage of the church . . . .Dr. Paul Westermeyer